Why I’m so often tired

Loads of illnesses can cause lethargy. With epilepsy, it’s not the diagnosis itself that causes it, but the seizures, the medications, and often the all-too-common comorbidities including sleep disorders and psychiatric illnesses.

As soon as I started Anti-Epileptic Drugs (AEDs), overnight I went from being an energised sprinter to a ghost who attempted eyelid-opening.

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Mental Health, Phone apps Torie Robinson Mental Health, Phone apps Torie Robinson

The Epilim Scandal - Dr. Jim Morrow

This week on the podcast we are talking about Sodium Valproate, aka Epilim, its feature in the UK Government's "Cumberlege Review", and why it has been called a "public health scandal" by some.

You'll find it referred to mainly as Valproate in this podcast. I shall be talking with Dr. Jim Morrow, a former Neurologist from Ireland, with whom I did a live video interview a few weeks ago (check it out on my YouTube page if you haven't already!).

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Mental Health Torie Robinson Mental Health Torie Robinson

My brain loves plants & so will yours

I admit it: I’m a bit of a plant fiend. My love of plants started 6 years ago, shortly after my brain surgery and stint in psychiatric hospital (joyous times). I commend my incredible friend Helen for my introduction to plants - who upon discharge suggested that I get plants to make my new home more welcoming.

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Mental Health Torie Robinson Mental Health Torie Robinson

Depression – advice for people around us – an overview

Time and again, week after week, I hear of comments such as “You have no reason to be depressed”, or “You should count yourself lucky, look at the starving children out there.”. Now, this is nuts and a clear expression of ignorance.

Sometimes people presume: “She’s typed this piece, she is fine!”. Do you know that many people with mental illnesses can appear fine one moment and quite the opposite the next?

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